Friday, June 26, 2020

Marie Curie- Chapter 13-15: Dreams and war, A Special Gift, The Final Years- (Conclusion-Final Activities)

Chapter Summary-
    Marie Recived her secound Nobel prizein Physics. A rumor is -read about Marie and she is heartbroken and her reputation in damaged. Marie continues to work. Her kidneys fail twice and she is forced to take some time off. 
     WW1 breaks about and Marie is separated from her children.She sets up x-ray transport units to help with the war efforts. She helped over 1 million people with her equipment. As the war ends, Poland is freed through the Treaty of Versailles. She continues to work with Radium and meets President Harding and President Hoover. They present her with Radium. 
    Irene continues to work with her mother, Marie. Irene  and her husband discover artificial radioactivity and are given the Nobel Prize in Physics. Three Nobel prizes in the same family-Wow!! 
    Marie dies on July 4, 1934. She was 66 and had leukemia, caused by radium exposure. She was buried next to her husband in Paris. 

What we learned from these chapters-
History and Geography- Marie Curies Daughter, Irene
History and Geography- Albert Einstein
History and Geography-The Treaty of Versailles
Science- Kidneys

                                History and Geography- Albert Einstein
Lily and Aj watched  a video about Albert Einsteins Life Story. They also completed worksheets about Einsteins life. 

History and Geography- Marie Curies Daughter, Irene
We Leaned that Maries Daughter was a scientist also. We looked about pictures of her and went on to learn more about Irene.

Science- Kidneys
The kids watched a  Short video called How do your kidneys work?. They also read a book on Hoopla. They also completed worksheets and saw a virtual reality kidney from 


History and Geography-The Treaty of Versailles

We Watched a video called The Treaty of Versailles From Kahn Academy. They also completed these books from about The Treaty of Versailles

Thank you for following our blog and reading about the activities we completed. Lily and Aj enjoyed most of the activities. This was a tough time for us because we were unable to go on any field trips at the time we read this book. (We were stuck in the house because of COVID-19) We still made the best out of our time at home and enjoyed each other’s company! 


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