Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Summer in Review

We have had a busy summer and I haven't had time to blog and post pictures of the kids and their activities. We spent the beginning of the summer In Las Vegas and Arizona. We had a wonderful time with family and friends.

 AJ won first place in his world Karate competition. Lily and AJ went to nationals for their dancing and came home with trophies and awards. They both were invited to the dance team again this coming year after auditioning. 

Lily enjoyed two weeks of dance camp and dance classes all summer. AJ loved sailing camp for 2 weeks and dance camp for one. He is also continuing with karate over the summer to get ready for his black belt test.

They have also been continuing with their tutor Caryn and completing school over the summer. They each read their summer reading books and are getting ready for this coming school year. I'm sad and happy to say that Lily has decided to attend public high school school this year. She is very excited and hopefully this will be a wonderful experience for her. AJ will continue to be homeschooled. 

We have also spent family time in the garden, on the boat and at the beach. Their has also been time for hikes, museums, friends, day trips and ice-cream. 

We can't wait to see what the fall brings!

Thanks for reading! 
Check out the next posts with the pictures of our summer adventures!

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