Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Box Car Children- Chapter 10: Henry and the Free for All

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary-

James Henry Alden (The Children Grandfather) along with three other wealthy men in the area, annually sponsors a field day for the town of Silver City and Greenfield. Field Day is a major event and even the mills clothes down and everyone comes out for the various footraces.

Henry is cutting Dr. Moore's grass when the doctor tells him to go the races. The doctor cant go, but wants Henry to tell him who wins. When Henry gets to the races, he hears about the final race called the free for all. The race is open to everyone. Henry enters and wins the silver cup and $25.00 prize! His grandfather(unbeknownst to both of them) hands him the prize. Henry returns home, exuberant from his victory, and gives Jessie the money. Henry retells the tale of the race and the children eat a wonderful dinner of baked potatoes.

What we will cover in this Chapter-
History and Geography- Industrial Revolution
Fine Arts: Potatoes Prints
Language arts: Review Questions

History and Geography- Industrial Revolution
Mills play a big part in the employment opportunity of Silver City and Greenfield. These cities are where our book takes place. Mills played an important part in the Industrial revolution in the 1800's. We decided to take this opportunity to learn about the industrial revolution. We watched a you-tube video, colored a workbook and read books about it.

Fine Arts-Potato Prints
Lily and Aj made stamps by carving potatoes. Then they made beautiful stamp paintings with them.

Language Arts- Review Questions
The children completed worksheets about Chapter 10.

Thanks for Reading Chapter 10!

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