Monday, December 4, 2017

Chapter 8 The Sovereign

Chapter  8 Summary-

Joe, Betsy and Susanna go and meet Mary Ellen, the little girl the captain tells them about.  Mary Ellen's dress becomes torn from the steps of the carriage. Betsy steps in and offers to fix the dress. Mary Ellen is overjoyed because her dress is good as new. Mr Baker Hands the children 2 shillings and a whole sovereign for helping with Mary Ellen. Betsy is pleased and can't wait to decide what to spend the money on.

What we Learned About:
History, Geography: How long did it take to cross the Atlantic ocean?
Mathematics: Word Problems

History and Geography: How long did it take to cross the Atlantic Ocean?
It took Mary Ellen two months to cross the Atlantic ocean. We talked about how travel has changed in the last 300 years. From boats to planes....There have been many changes. We also talked about taking a trip to Philadelphia, Pa. We have started planing our trip and what we want to see while we are there.

Mathematics: Word Problems
The children completed 2 work sheets about crossing the Atlantic ocean on the Mayflower. The had to multiply, add and measure to figure out the answers.

Thanks for Reading!

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