Monday, August 13, 2018

Chapter 3- Sara Plain and Tall

Chapter Summary-
Sarah comes to the prairie by train. Papa picks her up at the station and brings her home. Anna and Caleb wait for her to come and Caleb spots her yellow bonnet first. Sarah is just what she said-plain and tall. Seal is with her. Sara gives both children special gifts from the sea. For Caleb a moon snail. For Anne a sea stone. The children think the Sarah already misses the sea, but she gets settled and they hope she stays.

What we learned about-

Science- (Smooth Stones, Rock tumbler continued....)
Science- (Sea shore Field Trip at Low tide, Exploring the Atlantic Ocean)
Language arts- (Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections)

Language arts- (Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections)
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the third chapter they had to complete questions about the chapter and compare and contrast the beach to the prairie.  They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork)

Science-(Sea shore Field Trip at Low tide, Exploring the Atlantic Ocean)
We took at trip to a Cape Cod Beach at Low tide. We explored the ocean life.

Science-(Smooth Stones, Rock tumbler continued....)
A rock tumbler works on the same principal as water in the sea and sand. It uses electricity with grit and water to smooth the stones. This has been fun for the kids to experience. The kids Made a video of there progress with the rock tumbler... It takes awhile to complete. 

Thanks for reading! 

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