Monday, August 13, 2018

Chapter 4- Sarah Plain and Tall

Chapter Summary-
Sarah begins to make herself at home with the Wittings. She shows her children how to dry flowers. She tells them about the sea and teaches them a new word from Maine- "AYuh..." It means yes. Sarah cuts Caleb and papas hair. She braids Anna's hair and ties it with a beautiful ribbon. And they sing. Sarah sings"summer is icumen in..." and soon Caleb, Anna and even Papa are all joining in. They sing together and they are Happy. But the children wonder if she will leave and go back to Maine.

What we will cover in this chapter:
Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
Science: (Sea shells, an introduction)

Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the fourth chapter they had to complete questions about the chapter, write a character trait map, look up vocabulary words and draw scenery pictures.  They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork)

Science: (Sea shells, an introduction)
Caleb is very Fortunate. Sarah brings him a beautiful seashell, a moon snail shell from the sea. She shares with the children her collection: sea scallops, sea clams, oysters, and shells. We found a book about sea shells and decided to identify some of the shells we have collected over the last couple of years.

Thanks for Reading!

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