Monday, September 10, 2018

Chapter 6- Sarah Plain and Tall

Chapter Summary-
As summer progresses, Sarah learns more about the prairie and the witting. She leans how to plow the fields beyond the horses. Jack and Old Bess. She asks Anna and Caleb Many questions about wintertime and the prairie.
One Day Sarah and the children are hotter then usual. Sarah takes them for a special treat. All three head off to the cow pound and she teaches the children how to swim. After swimming the children fall asleep in the long grass next to Sarah.

What we will learn in this chapter-
Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
History-(Life on the Prairie, Laura Ingalls Wilder)
Fine Arts-(The Killdeer-A fine subject for drawing)

Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the sixth chapter they had to complete questions about the chapter and they wrote a letter to William.  They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork).

History-(Life on the Prairie, Laura Ingalls Wilder)
Sarah asks the children about winter time on the prairie. This gave us the opportunity to learn more about Prairie life. Lily and Aj read a reading comprehension worksheet about prairie life. They also answered questions. Then we read some  books about prairie life, played games and wrote with pen and ink.

Fine Arts-(The Killdeer-A fine subject for drawing)
In the story Anna hears a Killdeer cry. Lily and Aj decided to learn what kind of bird a Killdeer is. They also learned how to draw them.

Thanks for Reading!

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