Monday, September 10, 2018

Chapter 5- Sarah Plain and Tall

Chapter 5 Summary- 
Sarah names the sheep after her 3 favorite aunts- Harriet, Mattie and Lou. One evening, Sarah is drawing pictures to send home to her brother William. While she draws pictures the children discuss their very first words. Caleb's was windmill and Ann's was flower. Sarah's was dune. Caleb wants to know what a dune is so Sarah explains it. Papa surprises them with a hay "dune: out in the barn. Every is happy and smiling sliding down the dune.

What we will cover in this chapter-
Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
Art- (Thomas Hart Benton-Paintings that roll like the sea)

Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the fifth chapter they had to complete questions about the chapter, write a character trait map, look up vocabulary words and draw scenery pictures.  They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork).

Art- (Thomas Hart Benton-Paintings that roll like the sea)
We took the time to learn about a wonderful artist named Thomas Hart Benton. Benton was born, lived and died in Missouri, The thread that ties all his work together is his rolling sea like style. We looked at his work online, learned about his life. The kids also colored in a picture that he drew.

Thanks for reading!

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