Monday, September 10, 2018

Chapter 8- Sarah Plain and Tall

Chapter 8 summary-
Sarah Convinces Jacob to teach her to drive the wagon. She wishes to go into town alone. Anna and Caleb are frightened. What if she wants to go into town to leave them? The rains comes and a storm is inevitable. Sarah helps Jacob fix the roof. They all sleep in the barn all night. The next morning, Papa opens the barn door and they greeted by land covered in hailstones and windblown grass, but they are safe.

What we will cover in this chapter-
Language arts-(writing, vocabulary making connections)

Language Arts-(Writing, and Making connections) 
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the eighth chapter they had to complete a vocabulary worksheet and answer questions about the story. Lily and Aj wrote stories about a storm they experienced. They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork.)

Lily and Aj read books about storms. They also watched an episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy on you-tube.

Thanks for Reading!

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