Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Helen Keller Chapter 3

Helen Keller Chapter 3 

Parent Summary-
Mr Keller's letter to the Perkins Institute is soon answered. A teacher named Annie Sullivan is coming to help teach and instruct Helen. When she finally arrives one morning, Helen decides she doesn't like her. She has no idea who Miss Sullivan is and doesn't understand that she is there to help her. She gets in a fight over a doll she has found and Helen punches Annie in the face. Helen is misbehaving because Helen has gotten away with so much for so long. Anne is not sure how to help her but she will try.

What we will Cover:
Language Arts- Review Questions
Science: Exploring the five senses
Fine Arts: Movie Recommendation- The Miracle Worker

Language Arts- Review Questions
The kids completed questions about the chapter.

Science- Exploring the five senses 
The kids watched a video about the five senses.  We then discussed what we watched.

Fine Arts: Movie Recommendation- The Miracle Worker
We watched this movie. It was excellent supporting material for the book.  The kids enjoyed watching it.

Thanks for reading the activities for chapter 3!

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