Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Helen Keller Chapter 9

Chapter Summary-
Helen becomes more and more independent. She learns to ride a horse, swim by herself and even rides a tandem bike with  a friend. Helen decides she wants to go to college. She and teacher head off to Radcliffe College for Women. Helen is forced to work twice as hard as other girls. Both women go to class each day. She reads so much Braille books her fingers bleed. Helen Graduates college and she is the most educated deaf-blind girl in the world.

What we will learn in this Chapter:
Language Arts- Review Questions
Fine Arts- Cooking, Roasted Apples

Language Arts- Review Questions
The kids completed questions about the chapter 9

Fine Arts- Cooking, Roasted Apples
The kids made Roasted apples just like Helen would have made.

Thanks for reading!

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