Monday, December 16, 2019

The Story of George Washington Carver by Eva Moore- Chapter 10 and 11

Chapter 10 an 11

Chapter Summary-
George starts college and makes many fiends. He begins to paint but learns that the county is not ready to accept a black artist. He decides to peruse a degree in Science and agriculture instead. George transfers to Iowa state college and learns about farming an how crops grow. Booker T Washington leans about George and asks him to come teach at Tuskegee normal school.

What we learn-
History and Geography- Booker T Washington
Language Arts- Reading comprehension 

History and Geography- Booker T Washington
We took this opportunity to learn more about Booker T Washington.  We watched a video and discussed how he was an influential leader in the Black community. 

Language Arts- Reading comprehension 
Lily and Aj completed a work sheet about George Washington Carver

Thanks for reading!

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