Monday, December 16, 2019

The Story of George Washington Carver by Eva Moore- Chapter 8 and 9

Chapter 8 and 9 Summary- 

George receives an acceptance letter from a University. He saves enough money to sign up for classes in the fall. When he arrives he goes to he head office. The learns that the college doesn't accept Negros and he is heart broken. He decides to stay in the town to work and save money. He buys a farm of his home. George try's to grow crops for 2 years but doesn't have any luck. He gives up and moves back to the east.

George opens a laundry mat after traveling for 3 months. He finds out he has been accepted to a Simpsons college in 1890. He is delighted and cant wait to go.

What we learned-
History and Geography- Homestead act of 1862

History and Geography- Homestead act of 1862
We talked about the Homestead act and watched a video about it.

Thanks for reading!

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