Friday, June 26, 2020

Marie Curie- Chapter 8: A surprising Discovery

Chapter Summary-
Marie and Pierre work together on their scientific research projects. Marie is also working on her doctorate degree- trying to be the first women in Europe to obtain one.  In 1897 marie’s first daughter in born Irene. She comes up with a idea for her thesis. Marie decides to find out why rays are givin off by uranium salt. Henri Becquerel discovered this. Soon Maries research leads her to discover  a unknown element.

What we will cover in this chapter-
History and Geography- Henri Becquerel
Science- Uranium

History and Geography- Henri Becquerel
They learned about Henri Becquerel by reading worksheets and completing a timeline. We used Kids Connect for worksheets.

Science- Uranium
We watched two videos on Uranium. They were What is Uranium? And How Uranium Becomes Nuclear Fuel? The kids also created an Acrostics Poem about what they learned about Uranium.

Thanks for reading! Chapter 9 is up next! 

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