Friday, June 26, 2020

Marie Curie- Chapter 9: More Discoveries

Chapter Summary-
Marie works hard to find the new element she believes exists in pitchblende. Pierre is so fascinated by her work, he soon joins her. Soon they discover what they believe is two elements! One, Marie names the element  Polonium after Poland. The other remains a mystery and the work continues. They discover Radium after many moths of work. Pierre and Marie take a much needed break. The vacation does them good.

What we will Learn from this chapter-
History and Geography-Spanish American War- An Introduction
Science: Radium, X-rays

Science: Radium and X-Rays 
Lily and Aj watched a video about Radium. The video was called The Discovery of Radium. They also watched a slide show from about Marie Curie and X-rays. The enjoyed playing bone bingo. They Also created a flip book and made their own X-ray. 

History and Geography-Spanish American War- 
An Introduction
Lily and Aj watched a video on you-tube about the Spanish-American war. They also completed a reading comprehension worksheet and a word search from Kids

Thanks for reading! 

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