Monday, September 10, 2018

Chapter 9-Sarah Plain and Tall (Final Chapter and activities)

Chapter 9 Summary-
After the storm, Papa keeps his promise to Sarah and teachers her to driver the wagon so she can go to town herself. Caleb and Anna are frightened. The only reason the children can see for Sarah's trip to town is to leave them. Why else would she want to be by herself?

On the following day, Sarah gets dressed and kisses them goodbye as she leaves for town. The day goes by slowly. Caleb sees a yellow  bonnet in the distance as the children watch for Sarah on the front porch.

Caleb shares his worries with Sarah- that her thought she would leave them because she missed the sea. Sarah said she would miss Papa and the children more. Then she showed them her purchases while in town- colored pencils for their pictures of the sea, candles for diner and seeds for her garden and a book of songs to sing.

What we will cover in this chapter-
Language arts-(writing, making connections)
Fine Arts- (Making Jewelry)
Extra Fun-(Watching the Movie)
Field Trip- ( Cahoon Museum, Art Class)

Language Arts-(Writing, and Making connections) The kids continued with their journal. After reading the nine chapter they had to complete a worksheet answering questions about the story and colored a picture of the family.They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork.)

Fine Arts- (Making Jewelry)
It took about a week for the rock tumbler to finish polishing the rocks but it was worth it. The kids enjoyed making jewelry with their finished rocks. 

Extra Fun-(watching the Movie)
We borrowed  the movie Sarah Plain and Tall from the library. Lily and Aj loved the story and characters. 

Field Trip- ( Cahoon Museum, Art Class) 
Lily and Aj took  an art class today. We also had the opportunity to explore the Cahoon Museum. What a great experience! 
*The class description: Marine animals have been featured in art throughout the centuries. We will look at the way some artists have represented these animals in the past and then create our own. Two dimensional and three-dimensional options/materials will be available.

Lily and Aj Enjoyed the reading story and completing the activities that went along with book Sarah Plain and Tall. After reading the story the kids and I reflected back over the story and decided that the author did a great job writing and telling the story about the Witting family! We cant wait to read the other books in this series including Skylark.

Thanks for Reading! 

Chapter 8- Sarah Plain and Tall

Chapter 8 summary-
Sarah Convinces Jacob to teach her to drive the wagon. She wishes to go into town alone. Anna and Caleb are frightened. What if she wants to go into town to leave them? The rains comes and a storm is inevitable. Sarah helps Jacob fix the roof. They all sleep in the barn all night. The next morning, Papa opens the barn door and they greeted by land covered in hailstones and windblown grass, but they are safe.

What we will cover in this chapter-
Language arts-(writing, vocabulary making connections)

Language Arts-(Writing, and Making connections) 
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the eighth chapter they had to complete a vocabulary worksheet and answer questions about the story. Lily and Aj wrote stories about a storm they experienced. They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork.)

Lily and Aj read books about storms. They also watched an episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy on you-tube.

Thanks for Reading!

Chapter 7- Sarah Plain and Tall

Chapter 7 Summary-
Matthew, Maggie and there girls Rose and Violet Come to visit the witting family. Maggie like Sara is a mail order bride and understands Sara's longing for Maine. Maggie and Sarah become fast friends and are comforted by the understanding of one another.

What we will learn in this chapter-
Language arts-(writing, Vocabulary and making connections)

Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the seventh chapter they had to complete a vocabulary worksheet.  They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork.)

This was a shorter chapter. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 6- Sarah Plain and Tall

Chapter Summary-
As summer progresses, Sarah learns more about the prairie and the witting. She leans how to plow the fields beyond the horses. Jack and Old Bess. She asks Anna and Caleb Many questions about wintertime and the prairie.
One Day Sarah and the children are hotter then usual. Sarah takes them for a special treat. All three head off to the cow pound and she teaches the children how to swim. After swimming the children fall asleep in the long grass next to Sarah.

What we will learn in this chapter-
Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
History-(Life on the Prairie, Laura Ingalls Wilder)
Fine Arts-(The Killdeer-A fine subject for drawing)

Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the sixth chapter they had to complete questions about the chapter and they wrote a letter to William.  They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork).

History-(Life on the Prairie, Laura Ingalls Wilder)
Sarah asks the children about winter time on the prairie. This gave us the opportunity to learn more about Prairie life. Lily and Aj read a reading comprehension worksheet about prairie life. They also answered questions. Then we read some  books about prairie life, played games and wrote with pen and ink.

Fine Arts-(The Killdeer-A fine subject for drawing)
In the story Anna hears a Killdeer cry. Lily and Aj decided to learn what kind of bird a Killdeer is. They also learned how to draw them.

Thanks for Reading!

Chapter 5- Sarah Plain and Tall

Chapter 5 Summary- 
Sarah names the sheep after her 3 favorite aunts- Harriet, Mattie and Lou. One evening, Sarah is drawing pictures to send home to her brother William. While she draws pictures the children discuss their very first words. Caleb's was windmill and Ann's was flower. Sarah's was dune. Caleb wants to know what a dune is so Sarah explains it. Papa surprises them with a hay "dune: out in the barn. Every is happy and smiling sliding down the dune.

What we will cover in this chapter-
Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
Art- (Thomas Hart Benton-Paintings that roll like the sea)

Language Arts-(Writing,Vocabulary and Making connections) 
The kids continued with their journal. After reading the fifth chapter they had to complete questions about the chapter, write a character trait map, look up vocabulary words and draw scenery pictures.  They also made predictions, wrote chapter titles, asked question, and  made connections about the story. (I used for the journal paperwork).

Art- (Thomas Hart Benton-Paintings that roll like the sea)
We took the time to learn about a wonderful artist named Thomas Hart Benton. Benton was born, lived and died in Missouri, The thread that ties all his work together is his rolling sea like style. We looked at his work online, learned about his life. The kids also colored in a picture that he drew.

Thanks for reading!