Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Story of George Washington Carver by Eva Moore- Chapter 3

Chapter summary-
George continues to learn more about plants and animals. He learns to sew and knit from Aunt Susan. He also takes up whittling. George want to go to school but there are no schools for black children. He He taught how to paint by his neighbor. George decides he loves plants and painting.

What we will cover in this chapter:

History and geography- Segregation 
Language arts- Copy work

History and geography- Segregation 

This was a good opportunity to learn about the history of segregation and its role in American History! We watched a you-tub video on segregation and talked about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsZcEHFhWOA

Language arts- Copy work
Lily and Aj completed copy work on George Washington Carver Quotes.

Thanks for reading!

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