Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Story of George Washington Carver by Eva Moore- Chapter 4

Chapter Summary-

George begins to attend church with Mr. and Mrs. Baynham. He loves to sing. He is also excited to attend Sunday school. He learns about Noah and the Ark but he really wants to learn math and science. He begins to think he wants to move to Neosho so he can attend school. George sets out by himself.

Thinks we learn in this chapter-
Fine arts: choir and singing
Language Arts- Reading comprehension 

Fine arts: choir and singing 
Lily and Aj sing in the choir at church already. We talked about how every voice is slightly different. We also talked about range, pitch and scale.  We also watched a video of George Washington Carver showing that he had a very high pitched voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkx2iHDOHLk

Language Arts- Reading comprehension 
Lily and Aj completed worksheets about George Washington Carvers life.

Thanks for reading!

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