Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Season and Events

We had such a wonderful Christmas season. We went to the Cape Cod Enchanted village, met Santa clause and went to both the falmouth and mashpee Christmas parades. We spent Christmas eve swimming with our family. Christmas day we went to both my family and my husbands family house. We were so busy!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


We are celebrating Hanukkah with fried matzos, dreidel game with candy and reading of "The story of Chanukah" written by Rabbi Francis Barry Silberg, PHD. SD.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Station

I grew up in a Italian- Irish, catholic household while my husband grew up in a polish- Russian, Jewish-catholic houshold. We would like our kids to experience all of their religious and cultural heritage. We celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. Not only do we want our kids to enjoy the holidays with Santa, games and presents but we want our kids to know why we celebrate them!

For the month of December I have put together a holiday station that includes books and toys that are enjoyable for the children.