Sunday, March 29, 2020

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 8

Chapter Summary-
A coyote comes to drink from the Wittings well and Papa must shoot it. Sarah is devastated and goes to be alone. Sarah's birthday arrives and the festivities cheer everyone up. Her aunt sends Sarah a phonograph from Maine. Papa and Sarah dance and feel much happier.

What will we learn from this Chapter-
Language Arts- Chapter Review Questions
Geography- Maine

Language Arts- Chapter Review Questions

Lily and Aj Completed worksheets about the chapter.

Geography- Maine
We read books about Maine and went on a field trip to Portland lighthouse and Fort Williams in Maine. 

Field trip to Portland Lighthouse and Fort William in Maine

Thanks for Reading!

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 7

Chapter Summary-
Every day the Drought worsens. The Children aren't taking bath anymore to conserve water and each day requires the family to haul water for animals. The Wittings neighbors are being forced to move because of he drought. Sarah is angry and cant understand why someone would move away from the prairie. Maggie tells Sarah that Jacob is right and you must write your name in  the sand to live here.

What we will learn from this chapter:
Language Arts: Review Questions
Science: Importance of Water

Language Arts: Review Questions
Lily and Aj completed a review worksheet from the chapter.

Science: Importance of Water
Lily and Aj watched a video and read 2 books on the importance of water and how we use water in our daily lives.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 6

Chapter Summary-
On the way home from town, the Wittings see a fire in the meadow. Quickly they work together to soak down sacks and beat the fire back. The fire is out soon, but Papa warns the family they must be on constant alert for fire. The drought is causing everything to be a fire hazard.

What will we cover in this chapter-
Heath and safety: Fire Safety
Language Arts: Review Questions
History and Geography- Chicago Fire

Language Arts: Review Questions
Lily and Aj completed a review worksheet with questions.

Heath and safety: Fire Safety
We talked about fire safety and what to do in case of a fire. The kids also drew escape maps of their room and our house. We read a poem about fire and two books.

History and Geography- Chicago Fire
We read a worksheet and completed questions about the Great Chicago Fire. We also read two books. 

Thanks for Reading!

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 5

Chapter Summary-
The water level on the Wittings' farm drops lower and lower, and papa decides he has to go to town to haul water for animals. When they get there Sarah runs into Maggie who is comforting another friend, Caroline. They are being forced to move because of the drought.Their well is completely dry. Sarah is forced to see the painful , very real result of the drought. She is frustrated and over come with sadness.

What we learn in this chapter-
Fine Arts: The Colors of Drought-No Green, Warm Colors
Language Arts- Review Questions

Language Arts- Review Questions
  Lily and Aj completed a review worksheet with questions in cursive.

Fine Arts: The Colors of Drought-No Green, Warm Colors
🖌We have been studying about the 1930's. Today's art goal was to make a landscape painting using warm colors about what living in the era of the Dust Bowl was like.

Thanks for Reading!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 3

Chapter Summary-
On Sunday, the Wittings go to church and talk with their friends about the drought. Everyone is worried because their is no rain. During the night the cow gave birth to a calf. Caleb names her Moonbeam. Anna continues to write in her journal.

What we will learn in this chapter-
Science: Cows - Herbivores
Language Arts: Review Questions
Carer Path, Science: Astronaut and Astronomer (Homeschool group and Field Trip)

Science: Cows - Herbivores
The kids watched a you-tube video about herbivores and they read a book about cows!

Language Arts- Review Questions
  Lily and Aj completed a review worksheet with questions in cursive.

Carer Path, Science: Astronaut and Astronomer (Homeschool group)
 ðŸ”­All about Astronomy. We became astronomers today with our homeschool group to study the solar system, outer space and the objects in it.🚀
We listened to amazing reports and did a few experiments!
What an amazing morning with our homeschool group!🥰

Carer Path, Science: Astronaut and Astronomer (Field trip)
We went on a field trip Kennedy Space Center center in Florida where we learned about space, astronauts and NASA. We  had a awesome experience when went on a shuttle launch simulation,  and saw an IMax film too!

Thanks for reading!