Monday, May 23, 2022

2021-2022 in review

Well it's been a busy and crazy year. One child is in Public high-school and one is at home with me still.

 Lily has been doing great in school. She is enjoying 9th grade and has gotten on the honor roll for the last 2 trimesters. She is still dancing. She added art club and Civil Air Patrol to her list of extra-curricular activates. Lily will be confirmed this year at church. She can't wait until summer with no homework. 

AJ received his black belt in Karate. He is also enjoying school at home. He has been part of many classes and field trips this year. He has been dancing, flying planes and participating in Civil Air Patrol. 

I'm going to post some pictures of some activities from this past year. 

 Keep up to date on my Facebook page for more pictures and fun! 

Thank you for reading!!