Sunday, March 16, 2014

Miss Rumphius

Title: Miss Rumphius
Author/Illustrator: Barbara Cooney
Award: American Book Award
Summary: Following in her Grandfathers footsteps, Miss Rumphius succeeds in her mission and stirs the hearts of the next generation.

We were ready for a book that was about spring time and flowers. Its been a long cold winter and we can't wait until it warms up. This book Miss Rumphius warmed our hearts and made us do tons of spring time activities.

Social Studies-(Geography, Maine)
Miss Rumphius lives "by the sea". In this story their is a boy wearing a t-shirt that says Maine on it. This is why we placed our story disk on Maine. We colored a worksheet and read some books about Maine too! The kids also enjoyed watching the movie of Miss Rumphius!

Language Arts-(writing, handwriting)
The topic of The kids writing assignment was "When I grow up, how can I make the world more beautiful?" They each drew a picture then wrote about it! They also copied a paragraph from the book in their best handwriting.

Art-(mixed media)
We used oil pastels, acrylic paint and marker to make Lupine Artwork. We talked about how we are not limited by just one medium when making art. Some of the best art is made by mixing media.

Miss Rumphius fills her pockets with Lupine seeds and scatters them everywhere. Seeds are a miracle in themselves. We learned all about seeds and plants. First we played a seed matching game. Then we did a a few worksheets to learn how seeds grow and the names of the different parts of the plants. We also did an experiment.

Seed Matching Game-

Worksheets-(flower diagram, how seeds travel)

The kids planted seeds and put them in a dark closet to stimulate not having sun light. They found that if their is a lack of sun then their plants won't grow. We also put seeds in plastic bags to watch the roots grow and we planted flowers in cups.

Books read- We read books about spring and seeds.

Mathematics-(Money,counting,word problems)
Miss Rumphius sends off to the seed house to buy five bushes of lupine seeds. Lily and Aj did a worksheet about making their own garden. They had to choose which flowers to buy then figure out how much money they needed. Lily also did a Math word problem work sheet. We also used beans to count by 2's, 5's and 10's.

Field trip-(Brookwood Community Farm)
 We went on a field trip to the Brookwood Community Farm in Canton Massachusetts to learn about how seeds grow. We got to see how the farm plants seeds in their green house. We helped with planting seeds too! We also colored pictures.

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