Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Thomas A. Edison, Young Inventor - Introduction

Our next book is Thomas A. Edison, Young Inventor by Sue Guthridge. As we read and complete activities I will blog each chapter. Some activities are part of the Beyond Five in A Row Curriculum while others are activities made up by myself or other homeschoolers.

Before we started reading the story about Thomas Edison. We watched a movie, read a few picture books and completed some worksheets to learn some background information about Thomas Edison's life.

Language Arts- (copy work, books read) 
Lily and Aj copied his name and colored a picture of Thomas Edison. They also did a crossword puzzle and Lily completed a worksheet about nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Mathematics- (even and odd numbers)
The kids Completed a math worksheet.

Extra Fun-
Lily and Aj watched a You-Tube video about Thomas Edison's life.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for all the book related activities!

January in Review

Working on our doll house-

Lego Fun

Aj lost both teeth

 Geography club- Learning about Africa

Ice Skating in Boston

Dancing for "so you think you can dance"

Shopping with Aj and Nana

More Dance.....

Walking Around Boston-


Dance Lily

Bus Ride

Aj lost 1 tooth




Playing outside