Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

Stopping by the Wood s on a Snowy Evening
Author: Robert Frost
Illustrator: Susan Jefferes
Summery: A counterpoint of verse and illustration draws the reader gentle into a winter night.

Even though this book would have been perfect to read at Christmas time we still really enjoyed it. Lily and Aj thought it was about Santa bringing presents to the kids in the village. They sang jingle bells all week!

Social Studies-(new England)
We reviewed were we lived and the Map of New England. We also Played New England Bingo. We placed our story disk on New England.

We read tons of poetry this week. After reading other peoples poems we decide to write our own. Lily and Aj did a great job writing and illustrating their poems.

Science-(forest animals,snow)
Lily and Aj had so much fun making and playing with snow. They also had fun using their animal flash cards to separate animals into their habitats.( example: forest,jungle or ocean)Last but not least,they did a couple work sheets about forest animals too!

Art-(Pen and Ink)
Susan Jeffers,Illustrator uses pen and ink to fashion an experience in the snowy woods. Lily and Aj looked at the pictures in the book and made their own snowy woods drawings. The artist also uses a small amount of color in her pictures. They learned that deciding weather or not to use color is important and where to use it represents an idea.

Food Fun-(Eating Snow flake Snacks was yummy! We cut shapes out of tortillas. After baking them in the oven we put Cinnamon and sugar on them.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Rag Coat

The Rag Coat
Author and Illustrator- Lauren Mills
Summary- Minna needs a coat for school,and finds acceptance through forgiveness and wisdom.

While reading The Rag Coat we did many exciting activities and read many other great stories. Check out what we did!!

Social Studies-(Geography,Appalachian culture)
The book The Rag Coat was set in the eastern United States. We Put our story disk on the eastern part of the US. Lily and Aj Located the Appalachian mountains on the map. They put construction paper on the map were the mountain range is. The Application mountain region has is own unique culture. When reading through the book we looked at the pictures and pointed out the unusual items we found. (example- wagons,overalls,one-roomed school house,oil lamps....etc) We also watched a video called Christy which is set in the appalachin mountains in the 1930's.

Maping the Appalachian mountains

Books and movies

Lily and Aj had fun making their own rag coat like in the book. We cut up material from old clothes and glued them on a large pieces of paper. They also made collages using the extra material. Reading books about quits was enjoying too!

Our rag coat Quilt

Paper and materials collages

Books we read about quilting

Language-(stories, alphabet)
We learned about stories and how they are passed down in families. Making quilts are another way people pass down stories. We made our own pictures using construction paper. Then Lily and Aj told stories about them. We also made our own play dough so we could make our names and work on the letters of the alphabet.

Making pictures to tell stories

Homemade play dough to do letters

Other stories we read,watched and listened to

Mathematics-(Geometric Shapes)
When sewing a quilt Like in the book The Rag Coat their are many shapes that are used in the quilt patterns. Lily and Aj used foam blocks to design pictures and patterns. We also used play dough to make shapes like cube, cone and sphere.

Patterns and pictures using foam blocks

Making Shapes with Play Dough

In the The Rag Coat, Minnia's Father is a coal miner. We borrowed books from the library and watched u-tube videos about coal and coal mining. Lily and Aj learned how important coal mining is to american history. Even though Coal mining is an important part of our history we also learned about the pollution coal mining causes. Lily and Aj examined samples of coal. We learned about the different kinds of coal. Pretending to be a coal miner and digging up pretend coal was fun for both Lily and Aj.

Examining coal

Pretending to coal mine using dirt,paper clips and magnet wands

We watched two U-tube movie about how coal was made

Books we read