Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas day

Christmas morning.

Breakfast at Nana in Papas.

Christmas night we had dinner with Nana and DuzDuz in New Hampshire.

Christmas Eve!!

We spent Christmas eve opening presents at our house with family!

Lily and Aj made a gingerbread house and left cookies for Santa.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The First Christmas

Lily and Aj read the first Christmas book and had lots of questions so we spent some time talking about why we celebrate Christmas and what Christmas means to us. We also acted out the first Christmas with our stuffed dolls and made angels with construction paper and glitter.

Norman Rockwell

We spent some time this month learning about Norman Rockwell. We read some books,looked at photographs of his work. Lily and Aj did a watercolor painting using a Copy of his painting. They also did drawings of themselves using photographs we found.
( Aj did the orange painting. I wrote Lily on it by accident)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Celebrating Hanukkah!!

We lit the Hanukkah candles while Alex said a prayer and we enjoyed a homemade brisket for dinner. We also played games, colored and celebrated Alex's Jewish heritage.

We Colored Hanukkah pictures

We ate Yummy Jewish Food which includes Latkes,Matzo ball soup and more....

We played The Dreidel game using raisins

Books and movies we read and watched