Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Chapter 7- Something exciting

Chapter Summary-
Summer has arrived. The girls go down to the wharf to celebrate their vacation. Betsy loves the sea, flags and the ships. The children meet new friends and offer to accompany Mary Ellen to her hotel.

What we will cover in this chapter-
History and Geography: Flags-state, National and International, Ships
Fine Arts- Making a Flag

History and Geography: Flags-state, National and International, Ships
We went on a field trip to the Cape Cod Canal Museum to learn about ships, marine life and flags.
The children completed a scavenger hunt around the museum. The also used flags to create their names in code. The learned about ships, the canal and different types of fish.

Fine Arts- Making a Flag
After our field trip the kids were inspired to make there own flag. They used paper and markers. After they completed their flags they had to verbally explain what their flags represented.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 6- The New School

Chapter Summary- 
Betsy is now 10 years old. She is too old for Rebecca's class now. Now Betsy will go with her other sister to the large Quaker school. She is nervous to go to this new school but learns to love it. She also learns she loves to sew.

What we will learn in this chapter
Science: Winter Solstice

Science: Winter Solstice 
The children completed a worksheet about winter solstice and read 2 books about winter.
We talked about the seasons and watched a sort you-tube video about Winter solstice.

Thanks for Reading!

Friday, November 3, 2017

October in Review

Aj Halloween costume-

Singing in the choir-

Birthday Fun-

Science and Geography club-


Catholic Co-op-

All Saints Day Party!

Multiplication Facts- 


Learning about animal classification-

Ice Cream fun-

Karate tournament time-

Lego fun-

Learning about Ben Franklin-


Lily Girls group-

Learning about Mammals 

Baby Paisley-

Baking cookies

Beach day

Art work-

School work

Co-op Pics-

Mining for gold-

Co-Op- Taking classes speedomtery,Writing

Shuckatuck Farm Field Trip-

Arcade games-

Pumpkin day- School work, art, baking

Halloween fun-

Mashpee October Fest-