Friday, February 21, 2014

Heart Month and Fitness February!!

This month we spent a lot of time learning about our bodies, how to stay healthy and our hearts!

Learning about our heart!
We made a heart out of a plastic bag, crayons, straws and construction paper. This let us see how our hearts pump blood in and out of our bodies.

Learning how much blood is in our body by measuring 5 quarts of water and putting it into a bucket.

Look our fist is the same size of our hearts

Heart work sheets we did!

Looking at a circulatory system poster.

Books we read and craft we did about what the inside of our body looks like

Learning how to stay healthy by exercising!

Field trip to Children's Museum

We did an experiment in the science room using balloons, vinegar and baking soda

We learned about eating healthy, wearing helmets, germs and our back bones.

Arts and craft time
We made tooth holders, germs and colored a skeleton.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Presidents Day 2014

Presidents day this year we reviewed the presidents we already know about. These presidents include: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, Barack Obama and Theodore Roosevelt. We also learned about how Thomas Jefferson started the first library and was our 3rd president! ( kids haven't learned about him before)

We also made pictures of George Washington!

Here are some books and movies we used to learn.

African American Month: Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr

February is African American month. This month we learned about discrimination, segregation and  Jim Crow Laws.  Reading two books and making paper models of a bus that Rosa Parks rode on was educational. The kids also created their own road and town to drive their buses on!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Harold and the Purple Crayon

Title: Harold and the Purple Crayon
Author/illustrator: Crockett Johnson
Copyright: 1955
Summary: Harold has a crayon and an imagination. The adventure that results are entertaining-filled with drama and humor.

This book was very imaginative and we enjoyed doing all of the crafty projects that went along with it!

Language arts, Social Studies
We talked about how this story takes place in Harold's imagination. Lily and Aj enjoyed telling their own stories from their imagination.Since their is no real place to put the story disk on our world map we decided to put it near the map key.

Mathematics-(Estimation, Counting by 5's,)
The kids did a math worksheet. They had to estimate how many windows were in different buildings then count by 5's to determine the corrects answer.

Art-(Creativity, Drawing, Painting, Collage)
Their are so many possibilities for creative art projects this month. We talked a little about what creativity is and how we can be creative.We ended up doing four art projects with this book. The first project we did was a drawing. As I read Harold and the Purple Crayon the kids drew a very large picture to go along with the story. The next project we decided to do was to learn about how crayons are made. Mr Rogers video on u tube was a great way to explore this subject. After we watched the video the kids wanted to sort all of our broken crayons so they could melt them down to make new crayons. Our third project was learning how to paint with primary colors and mixing colors to make secondary colors. The paintings came out great! Last but not least the kids made a collage using purple shapes, construction paper and glue.

Drawing of Harold and the Purple Crayon

Having fun with crayons

Mixing paint and painting pictures

Purple collages

Science-(Moon, Space)
We learned about the phases of the moon by making a book, playing an Oreo matching game and reading two books. We also did flash cards and ate astronaut ice cream!

Oreo Matching Game-

Book we made about the phases of the moon and the two books we read!


Flash cards and astronaut ice cream

More fun- (Baking, Measuring)
We made a blueberry pie and a blueberry smoothie to go along with the purple theme of this book.