Thursday, December 22, 2016

Box Car Children- Chapter 13: A New Home for the Boxcar

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary
The children see their grandfather's mansion for the first time. He has each of their rooms redone to suit them-Violet's room with Violets everywhere, Benny's room with toys and a train set, and even Jessie's room has a bed for Watch. The children learn to love their grandfather and his home, but as time goes on they begin to is the boxcar and their old things. Mr. Alden comes up with a plan. With the children away, he has the boxcar brought to his home and put in the garden. Complete with the old stump, everything is just as in the woods. The children are all delighted and they all live happily ever after.

What we will cover in this Chapter-

Fine Arts- Drawing A Picture of our Favorite Part of the Story, Making Paper dolls
Language Arts- Review Questions
Field Trip- Edaville Railroad, Thomas Land and a Train Ride

We just finished the last chapter of the book "The Boxcar Children" and Lily and Aj loved reading the story and completing all the activities. After we finished the story we took a field trip to Edaville Railroad with family.

Fine Arts- Picture of Favorite Part of the Story, Making Paper Dolls
Lily and Aj drew a picture of their favorite part of the story and they also made paper dolls and a paper scene. They used the paper dolls to act out the story of the boxcar children. (They used a real G gauge train car too!)

Language Arts-
Lily and Aj answered review questions about the story.

Field Trip- Edaville Railroad, Thomas Land and a Train Ride

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog posts about the 
The Boxcar Children.

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