Monday, December 12, 2016

Box Car Children- Chapter 9: Fun in the Cherry Orchard

Chapter 9

Chapter Summary: The day Dr. Moore had invited the Children to pick cherries arrives, and they decide to all go and help. Concerned that someone might spot four children walking and turn them in to their grandfather, the children walk two by two and soon arrive at the orchard. A long day is spent picking cherries and at the end, the children leave four dollars richer and loaded with baskets of cherries. After they leave, the good doctor reads an announcement in the newspaper put in by the children's grandfather. The announcement says four children are missing and a $5,000 dollar reward is offered for their whereabouts. The doctor is amazed to find out the children belong to the richest man in the area but decides not to turn them in right away.

Language Arts- Review Worksheet
Mathematics- Word problem worksheet
History/Science- Fruit, Orchards, Field trips 

Language Arts- Chapter Review
Lily and Aj completed a Review worksheet about the chapter.

Mathematics- (word problems)
Both children completed a math word problem worksheet about cherry's.

Geography, Science - Field trips
We talked about different fruit regions and where the story took place again. The kids and I talked about why some fruits are more expensive then others at the grocery store. We went to the store and bought apples, bananas, cherries and blueberries. We also talked about our field trip last month to an apple orchard.We all had a great time picking apples.

Thanks for Reading Chapter 9. 

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