Friday, June 9, 2017

Chapter 15- An Exposion

Chapter Summary-

Tom's Weekly Herald is gaining popularity and notoriety. One day the conductor tells tom he has a visitor. Tom's Unexpected visitor is Mr. George Stephenson from England. Mr. Stephenson tells Tm that The Weekly Herald is one of the finest newspapers he has ever seen. He asks Tom if he can take back one thousand copies to sell in England. tom is pleased by his praise, and works all night long with James to get the papers ready.

Many Months later Mr. Stephenson writes to Tom from London and says people love Toms paper and that The London times has printed an article on Tom Edison. Along with the letter, Mr. Stephenson includes a copy of the article about Tom. Tom is very proud.

Tom continues to work in his laboratory on the train, but one day a horrible accident occurs. The train hits rough track and bounces back and forth. Tom's Chemicals are knocked down to the floor and the Phosphorous bursts into flames. Tom and the Conductor put on the flames , but the conductor is furious with Tom. He throws Tom of the train along with his printing press and the rest of his laboratory bottles. He tells Tom he never wants to see him again. Tom is heartsick. Eventually, however, he is offered his old job back as long as he doesn't bring his laboratory on board.

Later in the summer, Tom does a brave deed and saves Mr. Mackenzie's. (the telegraph operator) little boy from being hit by a train. To repay him, Mr.Mackenzie offers to teach Tom all he knows about telegraphy. Tom is thrilled and soon he has a job working in the telegraph office.

What we will cover in this chapter-
Language arts: Writing, Journalism

Language Arts- Writing
Lily and Aj are interested in newspapers, advertising, journalism and writing. In this chapter Tom Started writing his own newspaper and the kids thought that was exciting. Because of this they started working on writing an article for their own newspaper. We also read a book on how to make a newspaper.

Thanks for reading!

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