Thursday, August 24, 2017

Chapter 5- Nothing New Under the Sun

Chapter 5 -Nothing New Under the Sun (Hardly)

Chapter Summary-
A stranger comes to Centerburg. His name is Michael Murphy. He builds musical mousetraps and helps rid the town of mice. Everyone thinks this gentleman is the "Pied Piper of Hamelin". The children put cotton in their ears so the music doesn't effect them. The children and mice are safe and go back to their homes in Centerburg.

What we will cover in this Chapter-
Language Arts- 
Review questions, Washington Irving and Rip Van Wrinkle, Pied Piper of Hamelin - Fairy Tale
History and Geography- Political Parties(Field Trip)

Language Arts- (Review questions, Washington Irving and Rip Van Wrinkle, Pied Piper of Hamelin - Fairy Tale)
Lily and Aj completed a review question worksheet about this chapter. The children watched and listened to the auto book of Rip Van Winkle on You-Tube. They also colored a picture of Old Rip! We  read the story "The Pied Pier of Hamelin". The kids really enjoyed listening to the stores and we talked about how these stories relate to the chapter of "Homer Price".

History and Geography- Political Parties(Field Trip)
We went to an old country store and bought penny candy. They had political benches that said democrat and republican. This started a discussion about the political parties. We discussed the major differences in the two parties. We also talked about elections and the presidency .

Thanks for Reading!

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