Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Chapter 1- The Choice

Chapter Summary-
The story starts off in 1758. Betsy Ross is just 6 years old. This chapter is about Betsy and her early experiences with sewing. Her mother gives her her first  silver thimble and she tries woodworking. Betsy learns to be true to herself and not doing things just to prove to others wrong. Betsy knows to be true to her own heart.

What we will cover in this chapter-
History and Geography- Thee and Thou
Language Arts- Personification
Fine Arts- Wood Working 

History and Geography- Thee and Thou
After reading the first chapter I asked the children what they noticed about the language of this book.  They said that they recognized that the form of speech was different then what they use today. (Thee and Thou) I explained that it was "King James English" and it was used as part of the religious group know as the Quakers.

Language Arts- Personification
"Betsy though of the winning old saw that had hit her over the head and bitten  her in the finger". The author used personification in this sentence. This gave us the opportunity to learn about this literacy device.The kids completed a personification worksheet after we discussed what personification was.

Fine Arts-(Wood Working)
Lily and Aj worked with tools to build things out of wood and nails. Even thorough they never finished there project, they had fun and learned about working with tools.

Thanks for Reading!

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