Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 1

 Chapter Summary-

This is the first chapter in the sequel to Sarah, Plain and Tall. Papa and Sara are now married, and the four witting live together on the prairie.

Our first gimps at the family is with them getting their photograph taken. Sarah wants to send a wedding picture back home to Maine. We also learn that the prairie is experiencing an intense drought. Some families are forced to move. Papa tells the family he would never leave the prairie.

What we will learn- 
History and Geography: A look back at the 30's
Language Arts- Chapter review questions

History and Geography: A look back at the 30's
Skylark Takes Place in the 1930's. This time in history is a tragic and scary time in american history. 
The kids looked at a map of the dust bowl area . They watched a PBS video and read 3 books to learn more about this time in history.

Language Arts- Chapter Review Questions
Lily and Aj completed questions related to the first chapter of the story.  Their answers had to be completed in cursive and full sentences. 

Thanks for reading!

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