Friday, June 26, 2020

Marie Curie- Chapter 2 The Painful Years

Marie Curie Chapter 2

Chapter Summary-
The Family continues the struggle financially and they are forced to move several times from apartment to apartment. They even bring boarders to live with them for extra money. Manya is forced to sleep in the dinning room. Mrs. Sklodowska her mother passes away and so does Zosia, Manya’s sister.

Manya continues to be brave and works hard in school. She studies in secret to learn all about Poland, her people and their history. 

What we will cover in this chapter: 
History and Geography- Polish Culture
Science- Tuberculosis, Typhoid fever

 Science- Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever 
Manya’s mother dies of Tuberculosis and her sister passes away fro Typhoid Fever. Lily and Aj had questions about what these diseases are. We decided to spend time watching videos about these diseases to find out more about them. We found informational videos on YouTube. 

History and Geography- Polish Culture
Lily and Aj watched a video about Polish Culture. They learned about Kulig, which is a winter festival. They also listened to polish music. 

Thanks for reading!

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