Sunday, April 22, 2012


We read the book Lentil by Robert McCloskey. We did many fun activities along with the story.
Social Studies- (Geography, life in a small town) The kids learned where Ohio is on the map. We colored a picture and read books about Ohio. They also designed their own small town.
Literature(elements of a good story)- we wrote our own books concentrating on setting the stage.
Science- (Human Anatomy,Taste buds) Learning about our taste buds was tasty. We tested different foods and determined if they were salty,sweet,sour or bitter.
Mathematics-(fractions and geometry)We learned whole,half and quarter.
Science and Music-(sound,acoustics,music skills) We played musical instruments in the bathroom to see if the sound had improved in the bathroom and why. We listened to " she's coming around the mountain". We learned about musical notes and tried to read the lyrics.
Art-(Medium) Lily and Aj discovered that the book was illustrated using charcoal pencils. We decided to try drawings with them also. They found it fun and messy!

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