Friday, June 26, 2020

Marie Curie: Chapter 4- The Sacrifice

Chapter 4 summary
 Manya works hard to earn money by teaching children as a governess. She works for a few different families before she finds a family who pays her enough money. She works hard for 3 years and continues to educate herself. She also finds she loves science and mathematics. She knows that if she works hard it will soon be her turn to attend university.

What we will cover in this chapter-
Science: Sugar from beets
Science: Economics
Language Arts: Copy work

Science: Sugar from beets
The kids watched 2 videos about sugar beets. The first video was from the discovery channel and how a manufacturing plant produces large amount of sugar from the vegetable. The second was a YouTube video about to make your own sugar from the sugar beet at home in your kitchen. Both videos were interesting and we the kids learned a lot of facts and information about the beet.

 Science: Economics
Lily and Aj took notes on an online Economics course on YouTube.

Language Arts: Copy work
Lily and Aj copied a quote Freon Marie Curie in their best cursive handwriting. The quote was about being a governess to help her sister through school. 

Thanks for reading!

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